18 Marketing Tips For Established Business Owners

Elevate your business in just 10 minutes a day.


Today I am so happy to host a guest post written by a dear friend of mine, the accomplished Business Coach Margaret Guillen, who is sharing with us some invaluable marketing tips from her extensive experience. 

These marketing tips have been instrumental in helping numerous passion-driven entrepreneurs attract great clients and build thriving, rewarding businesses. 

You can find many more of them on Margaret’s website

I hope they will help you enhance your business success and enjoy your work even more!

Here are Margaret’s 18 great marketing tips: spend 10 Minutes trying one of them every day!
  1. Revisit Your Business Vision: Spend 10 minutes reassessing your long-term business vision. Where do you see your business in the next 5 to 10 years? Are your current strategies aligned with this vision? If you don’t
    know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there? Do you know what success looks like to you? If not, how will you know whether you’ve achieved it? 
  2. Refine Your Ideal Customer Profile: Spend 10 minutes identifying your ideal customers. As your business grows, your customer profile may change. Ensure you’re targeting those who can benefit most from your offerings and can afford them.
  3. Highlight Your Unique Selling Proposition: Why should people buy from you? Spend 10 minutes listing the unique reasons why customers choose you over competitors. Gather feedback from existing clients to help identify these strengths. 
  1. Perfect your elevator pitch: Can you succinctly describe what you do, what makes you special, and why it matters? Spend 10 minutes refining your pitch to ensure it’s impactful and memorable.
  2. Optimise Your social media profiles: Your social media presence is often the first point of contact for potential clients. Spend 10 minutes updating your profiles with current information, a clear description of your services, and links to your website.
  3. Break Down Big Marketing Tasks: Don’t get overwhelmed by large projects. Spend 10 minutes breaking them into smaller, manageable tasks that can be tackled in short bursts.
  4. Build and Maintain Your Mailing List: Spend 10 minutes brainstorming ways to grow your email list. Collect addresses through your website, social media, and events to ensure a steady stream of potential leads.
  5. Offer Incentives for Newsletter Sign-Ups: Think of valuable content you can offer as a sign-up incentive. Plan freebies like reports, tip lists, or video tutorials that your audience will appreciate.
  6. Leverage E-Books in Your Marketing: Think about how you could use e-books to attract and engage customers. Offer them as incentives for email sign-ups or to add value to your services.
  7. Maximise Productivity with Time Blocks: 10 minutes can mean a lot of focus. Spend them focusing solely on one marketing task. Setting a timer can help you concentrate and achieve more in less time. The Pomodoro Technique allows typically 25’ to each task, but it’s entirely up to you. You’ll be surprised at how much you get done when you set yourself a deadline!
  8. Launch Pending Ideas: Pick something that you’ve been waiting for, to get it perfect before you release it into the world. Get it over the line, finally, today. It can’t generate business if it’s not out there.


  1. Audit Your Website: Take a look at your website with fresh eyes. Is it aimed at your ideal customer? Is it likely to attract the right type of people, who value what you do and are willing to pay the right price? Do the images and words speak to your ideal customer? Are you speaking in their language and making them feel that they are in exactly the right place? Take advantage of our complimentary site audit
  2. Analyse Website Statistics: When was the last time you looked at them? Understand where your traffic comes from and how visitors interact with your site to make informed improvements.
  3. Set Clear Annual Goals: Have you set your goals for this year? How much money do you want to earn? Spend 10 minutes defining your financial and business goals for the year. Knowing how much you want to earn and how to achieve it will guide your efforts.
  1. Monthly Goal Setting: Set goals and targets each month. Give yourself something to aim for, and you are likely to do even better than you expected. Spend 10 minutes setting out what you want to achieve each month. This will give you what to focus on.
  2. Ask for Testimonials and use them!: Spend 10 minutes asking satisfied clients for testimonials. Positive reviews can enhance your credibility and attract new business. 
  3. Research Networking Opportunities: Spend 10 minutes researching  identifying local networking events. These can be excellent opportunities to connect with potential clients and partners.
  4. Register Your Google Business Profile: Ensure your business is listed on Google Local. Spend 10 minutes updating your details to improve local search visibility.

About Margaret Guillen, the Author:

Margaret Guillen is not just an accredited Life and Business Coach. She’s an NLP Master Results Coach. She works with her clients on both strategies and mindset, providing customised support tailored to their needs.

Her coaching helps clarify goals, prioritise developments, and create actionable plans to build thriving businesses.  Check her insightful business coaching tips here.

Don’t miss out on the chance to elevate your business—take just 10 minutes each day to focus on one of these proven strategies.

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