SEO services for Doctors, Dentists and private practices

I’ve been working as an SEO Specialist for nearly a decade now and I have seen how Search Engine Optimisation has become vital in every industry.

Especially in the medical industry; I have witnessed how medical industry SEO can really be a game-changer for private practices.

Like every other one, the medical industry faces very high competition in terms of being found on Google. However, this is prerequisite to attract more patients to your practice.

Nowadays people rely on the internet to find the services they are looking for, including medical services. Every day, an astonishing amount of people in the UK and worldwide regularly look online for health information.

Nearly three-quarters of your patient base search to find health-related information and local practices to solve their health concern.

Don’t forget that consumers rarely check beyond the first page of Google  – actually, the top 3 search results for a query receive over 50% of the clicks!

Being your medical facility a business, it competes against the local practices that offer the same services.

Optimised websites will be found better than the competitors’ ones.

Appearing high up on organic search engine results pages, therefore, pays dividends when it comes to acquiring more patients and instilling greater levels of confidence among prospective ones.

Medical industry SEO also helps you substantially reduce your digital marketing costs.

Radio, print, Paid Search and TV advertising can be extremely expensive and their effect is generally temporary. SEO is a longer-term play but its ROI that outweighs all others because organic ranking, once acquired, is totally free.

It can also allow you to target your website traffic in the most effective way.

Your aim is to receive high patient traffic that fits your target demographic: this will get as many interested people as possible with the goal that you can convert them from website visitors into the right patients for your clinic.

Market your facility and services to those who are already looking for the types of healthcare you offer.

Your site needs to be optimised for the “low hanging fruit” of who are already seeking out your solutions in some capacity. You will be already halfway there in terms of acquiring that new customer and the targeted content on your pages will do the rest in convincing them that you are the best practice for their needs.

In order to enjoy all of these benefits, medical industry SEO initiatives need to be set up in the right way.

A correct SEO strategy consists of multiple on and off-site components working together coherently. It starts with very thorough research and planning and continues with analysis and revisions backed by data.

Shady shortcuts that cut corners on quality and best practices in order to achieve short term results will nowadays inevitably – and quite quickly, too – be identified by Google. The consequences in terms of penalisations are, then, generally very painful to recover from.

It takes time and experience to build good rankings but their benefit is undeniable.

This is the moment to get started optimising your practice’s website. No point in waiting any longer.

Send us a contact request and we will be delighted to put our long experience at your service.