Evergreen Content and Situational Updates

What to have on your site and why.

evergreen content

A common question in SEO is whether to prioritise optimising situational blogs, like those covering specific events or short-term partnerships or focus on evergreen content that stands the test of time. This is especially important when working with a limited budget of hours or resources. So, which should you choose? 

Here are some pros and cons to help guide your decision:


Situational Blogs: Pros and Cons


  1. Timely Relevance: Blogs about specific events, such as exhibitions or collaborations, can engage your audience in the moment, providing fresh, current content.
  2. Brand Promotion: These blogs can help raise awareness about your involvement in key events, which might be important for branding and social media.
  3. SEO Opportunities: There’s potential to optimise for long-tail or niche keywords like event names and specific phrases related to the event or collaboration.


  1. Short Shelf Life: Once the event or partnership ends, the blog quickly becomes outdated, offering little long-term SEO value.
  2. Low Search Demand: Often, searches for niche or situational topics are limited. In many cases, people are more likely to search for the event’s official page than your blog about it.
  3. Content Bloat: Keeping outdated content on your site long after an event is over can lead to content bloat, making your site less focused and potentially harming your SEO in the long run.
Evergreen Content: Pros and Cons


  1. Long-Term Value: Evergreen content stays relevant for years, continually driving traffic and providing a solid return on your SEO investment.
  2. SEO Focused: By targeting broader keywords related to your products or services, evergreen content can help improve your rankings and attract consistent traffic over time.
  3. Content Foundation: It forms the backbone of your SEO strategy, allowing you to build authority in your field by answering frequently searched questions or providing lasting insights.


  1. Less Immediate Engagement: Evergreen content might not create the same buzz as something topical, particularly when you’re exhibiting at an event or launching a partnership.
  2. Longer Time to Rank: It may take a while for evergreen content to gain traction in search engines, especially in competitive niches.

Making the Right Choice: What to Consider
  • Budget and Priorities: If you’re working with a limited budget, it’s essential to prioritise. Evergreen content tends to provide better long-term value and ROI, but situational blogs can serve other purposes, like supporting brand awareness or complementing your social media strategy.
  • Avoiding Content Bloat: Situational blogs can add up over time, cluttering your site with outdated content. To avoid this, consider unpublishing or archiving blogs once the event is over, or repurposing them into case studies that showcase long-term value.
  • A Hybrid Approach: Not all situational content needs to be ignored. In some cases, like partnerships or collaborations, you can turn these blogs into case studies, which can be optimised for long-term visibility. Creating a “Case Studies” section can help showcase your expertise and past successes for future clients.
Let Us Help You

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, the key is to align your content strategy with your overall business goals. 

For short-term events, focus on promoting through social media and use your blog as a landing page for those campaigns. 

For long-term SEO growth, prioritise evergreen content that drives sustained traffic and helps establish your authority.

Would you like to pick our brains on the best content strategy for your site? Book a free consultation!